Academic Pathways Advising
A Landing Place for Undeclared Students
![The Labyrinth outside of Loyola Hall on campus at Seattle University.](
Discover, Discern, Declare
Welcome to one of Seattle University’s most unique programs: Academic Pathways for undeclared students. Whether you are deciding which major best fits your interests or completing requirements toward your preferred major. Academic Pathways Advising provides you with the tools through coaching and academic support to declare your major. From your first quarter, you will be actively engaged in activities and conversations with your advisor toward achieving your personal, academic and career goals. With our program, you’ll develop and benefit from an academic framework that will serve you throughout your undergraduate studies at Seattle University.
Our Team Supports Your Educational Discovery
What are the goals of Academic Pathways Advising?
We help students create an action plan for declaring a major by the end of the sophomore year (90 credits). For transfer students who enter with 90 credits, we create an individualized plan to make a sound and timely decision.
Recognize where students are in their major declaration process and provide them with the best resources appropriate to their pathway.
We also help students process and interpret this information.
Encourage students in defining their goals by exploring their personal strengths, interests, and values and assessing how they relate to an overall education and career path.
What will I do in Academic Pathways Advising?
What will I do in Academic Pathways Advising?
Depending on your unique pathway to declaring a major, you may explore various fields of study, learn the specific requirements necessary to declare your chosen major, and explore co-curricular opportunities that can apply to your interests.
The Program Evaluation is a powerful tool for selecting courses. You will meet with your advisor to review your progress on your academic plans, course selection and major selection, and consider academic opportunities available to you.
You will prepare for registration each quarter in consultation with your advisor. Advisors can help you address common registration issues, understand registration restrictions, and assist with long-term planning.
You will evaluate your past academic performance and discover the skills and resources necessary to achieve your educational goals. Advisors can connect you with academic and specialized campus services and will work with you if you are on academic warning or probation.
Talk with your advisor about opportunities for education abroad. Once you have been accepted to a program, you will work with your advisor to identify potential course selections to continue your academic progress while abroad.
You will learn about university policies and procedures that inform your academic progress. Your advisor is available to answer questions, sign and process forms, and guide you through complex decisions on your path to a degree.
Schedule an appointment with your advisor
Advisors are available to meet with you virtually or in-person by appointment. During your first year at SU, we require you to meet with us at least once per quarter but encourage you to come in more often. Once you are in your second year, your advising process becomes more self-directed.
Common reasons to make an appointment with your advisor include:
- Getting connected to campus resources
- Checking in on your academic progress
- Drafting an educational plan
- Considering withdrawal from a course
- Talking about possible majors
- Learning about the registration process
Academic Pathways Advisors
Academic Pathways Advising
Bellarmine Advising Center (BELL 111)